The city administration of Zug is also located at Gubelstrasse 22, and it plays an important role in the history of Crypto Valley, too. The mayor of Zug, Dolfi Müller, decides in 2016 to accept bitcoin as a means of payment for some administration fees. With this courageous act, Zug is the first city in the world to accept a cryptocurrency as an official means of payment. Remember, this decision comes at a time when bitcoin still has a dubious reputation in the media as the tender of choice for nefarious actors. Zug’s endorsement attracts global media attention around the world that helps bitcoin partly shake off its bad reputation. The city generates a PR buzz worth an estimated 20 million Swiss francs and establishes Crypto Valley overnight as a hotspot for cryptoassets and blockchain technology.
Seither hat die Stadt ihr Blockchain-Angebot kontinuierlich ausgebaut. Heute kann man sogar seine Steuern und Dienstleistungen der Stadt in Bitcoin oder Ether bezahlen. Auch das ist weltweit einzigartig. Doch hören wir gleich direkt von der Stadtregierung selbst, wie sich alles zugetragen hat. Dolfi Müller, André Wicki und Martin Würmli berichten.